
Catholic 7 Deadly Sins

Catholic 7 Deadly Sins—History, And How to Avoid Them

The Catholic Church teaches that engaging in capital sin opens the door for other sins that may cause one to go against the divine laws of God as listed in the Ten Commandments.

Depending on the type of deadly sin that a member commits, an individual can break one or more of God’s laws.

The Catholic Church views the seven deadly sins as the gravest sins that members of the church and humanity as a whole can commit against God.

Additionally, the seven deadly sins are also called mortal sins because the church believes that they lead to the death of one’s soul.

To elaborate, Catholicism teaches that those who die without confessing their mortal sins will be subjected to endless pain and torment in hell.

Through the sacramental confession, members of the Catholic Church can show remorse for the sins that they have committed.

According to Catholic teachings, the sacramental confession was established by Jesus Christ to show his love for humanity. As such, it is only through Christ that one can gain salvation after committing a cardinal sin.

One of the main duties of the Catholic Church is to teach its members about the seven cardinal sins and how they can be avoided. 

Those who choose to commit one or more of the capital sins are said to have turned away from God deliberately. Consequently, they will not only be cut off from God but will also lose His favor ad grace.

History of the Catholic 7 Deadly Sins

To get a better understanding of how the Catholic Church established the 7 deadly sins, it’s important to go through the history of the church and how the first sin was committed.

Being one of the oldest religious institutions in the world, the history of the Catholic Church can be traced back up to 2,000 years ago when it started in Judea.

However, Christianity and other religions teach that sin has been in the world from the moment Adam and Eve decided to disobey God. Commonly known as the original sin, Catholicism teaches that this act of disobedience doomed mankind right from the start.

According to Catholicism beliefs, each of the cardinal sins can be directly linked to Adam and Eve’s disobedience in one way or another.

From this, it is clear that sin has been around even before the first religion was founded. This also applies to the seven cardinal sins and the Catholic Church as the sins were coined before the emergence of the early Roman Catholic Church.

Origins of the 7 Cardinal Sins

The coining and spread of the teachings of the seven capital vices can be credited to devout religious scholars like Ponticus, Saint Gregory the Great, and St. Thomas Aquinas. 

Nonetheless, other people like the famous poet, Geoffrey Chaucer also played a special role in promoting the teachings.

  • Ponticus

– The origins of the seven cardinal sins can be traced back to the 4th century when Ponticus, an early Christian monk penned a list of attributes that he thought were not acceptable before God and the Christian religion.

– It is not clear how Ponticus arrived at each of the eight points that he listed down, but it is believed that he based his arguments on what the Bible says about certain human behaviors and how they come to be.

– With time, Ponticus’s ideas spread through the monastery and other regions. The term deadly sin was first used in the 6th century when Pope Gregory I re-wrote the ideas that Ponticus had earlier postulated. 

  • Saint Gregory the Great

– Saint Gregory the Great tried to explain the consequences that would befall those who committed the seven capital vices. 

– Being the bishop at that time, Gregory I played a crucial role in ensuring the adherents of the early Roman Catholic Church understood the meaning of each cardinal sin.

  • St. Thomas Aquinas

-St. Thomas Aquinas redrafted Ponticus’s list by removing and adding some of the elements that he deemed fit for the Catholic Church.

– As Aquinas states in his book, The Summa Theologica, “The capital vices are those which give rise to others, especially by way of final cause”

  • Geoffrey Chaucer

– The teachings of the seven cardinal vices gained popularity after Geoffrey Chaucer published the revised list in his book, The Canterbury Tales, during the 14th century.

Catholicism: Rundown of the 7 Deadly Sins

The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains the seven capital sins based on the Bible teachings that they oppose.

1. Pride

  • According to the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas about the seven deadly sins, all sins are a manifestation of pride.
  • Those who are proud have an excessive view and love of self. They often view other people as less important and attribute their achievements to their efforts and not God.
  • Catholics have different Bible verses that prove God does like those who are overly proud. Also, the church teaches that the only way to overcome pride is by being humble. One of such teachings can be found in the book of James 4:6-10.

2. Lust

  • Lust is a psychological phenomenon that drives an individual to have an excessive desire to own or have something.
  • When explaining lust, Catholicism views it as the desire for sexual pleasures. As such, adherents are required to treat members of the opposite sex with the utmost respect.
  • That being said, viewing other people as mere sex objects can cause one to commit the sin of lust.
  • In the book of Matthew 5:28, the Bible states that “….anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
  • This clearly shows how capital sins can give rise to other sins. In this case, adultery, which is a sin on its own, has come about as a result of lust.
  • Catholics believe that chastity can overcome all forms of lust.

3. Greed

  • Geed, also known as avarice is the uncontrolled desire to gain material things.
  • Catholicism and other denominations under Christianity teach that greed can impact how one relates with God and the church.
  • Those who are controlled by greed pay more attention to how they can get more wealth, meaning they don’t have time to serve God or grow spiritually.
  • Catholicism teaches its members that the only way they can avoid greed is by being content. Besides, the Bible encourages Christians to be content with whatever they have as highlighted in the book of Hebrews 13:5.

4. Gluttony

  • Gluttony refers to the overconsumption of edibles and alcohol. Catholics believe that overeating or overdrinking is a sin against God and the church.
  • Moreover, the church encourages its members to have good eating habits as this will help them avoid the sin of gluttony.
  • Catholics and other denominations use the book of Proverbs 23:19-21 to teach adherents that God is against gluttony of all kinds. As such, Catholics are taught to practice temperance when handling alcoholic drinks and food.

5. Wrath/Anger

  • Anger or wrath can be defined as being hostile towards other people. It can come about when someone wrongs you or does something that you don’t like.
  • The Catholic Church classifies anger as a cardinal sin because it can give rise to other sins such as murder, theft, revenge, etc.
  • In addition to this, God instructs members of the church to refrain from anger since it leads to evil (Psalm 37:8).
  • Through the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church encourages adherents to be meek when they find themselves in anger-triggering situations.

6. Envy

  • Envy is the unexplained desire to have something that belongs to another person. This can be material possessions, skills, jobs, etc.
  • Catholics use Bible teachings like that of Cain and Abel to explain how envy can give rise to jealousy and murder. In this story, Cain killed his brother because he envied the sacrifices that Abel was giving to God.
  • One of the main teachings on envy used throughout Christianity is found in the book of Proverbs 14:30. The verse shows how God views those who are envious of other people.
  • Besides, the Bible teaches that Lucifer envied God’s creation, and that is why he was cast out of heaven.
  • Having love for one another and being content are some of the effective ways through which Catholics overcome envy.

7. Sloth

  • Sloth or acedia can be termed as the inability to perform certain religious tasks due to laziness. 
  • In the Catholic Church, it can be used to describe people who postpone prayer or those who fail to attend mass without any valid reason.
  • Various books in the Bible show that God does not like it when people become lazy. These references can be found in Proverbs 12:24, Colossians 3:23, and many more.

Final Verdict

Catholicism teaches that the 7 deadly sins should be avoided by all means since they cut off members of the church from God. Additionally, the Catholic Church encourages adherents to avoid situations that may cause them to engage in capital vices.

Also, all seven cardinal sins can give rise to other sins, and that is exactly why the Catholic Church teaches its members how they can counter each sin before it manifests into another.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Catholic Priests Absolve Deadly Sins?

Through the sacrament of penance, the pope allows catholic priests to remit mortal sins.

Is There an Unforgivable Sin in the Catholic Church?

Catholicism teaches that the only unforgivable sin is dying without confessing mortal sins.

Can Priest Forgive Sins Without Contrition?

According to Catholic teachings, there is no absolution without contrition.

Catholicism Holidays and Festivals

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Most of the holidays celebrated by Catholics are in conjunction with their doctrinal teachings while others are based on Biblical accounts. As such, some of the holidays are celebrated by other Christian denominations as well.

However, Catholicism is somewhat unique when it comes to the celebration of holidays in that almost every day of the calendar marks a celebration.

In addition to this, Catholicism holidays vary in importance, meaning some days are considered holy by the adherents of the church.

Holy Days of Obligation

According to Catholicism beliefs, holy days of obligation are the most important in the catholic calendar. That being said, Catholics from different parts of the world honor the holy days of obligation by attending mass.

Also, adherents may or may not refrain from unnecessary work when commemorating holy days of obligation. This gives members of the church enough time to meditate and gain a deeper understanding when celebrating certain holy days.

Plus, the church provides clear instructions that guide members on how they should honor the holy days of obligation.

The adherents may also take part in religious rituals that are associated with a specific holiday. This is done to remind the believers about their faith-based values and what the Catholic Church stands for as a whole.

Besides, most of the holy days of obligation celebrate the life of Jesus Christ and his miraculous works during his time on earth. Also, Catholics honor historical saints on different days of the year to show their importance in Catholicism.

Aside from the saints and Jesus Christ, Catholics honor Mary and consider her the mother of God. As such, some of the holiday celebrations are in accordance with Catholicism beliefs about Mary.

Holy Days on the Catholic Calendar

1. Solemnity of Mary

  • The Solemnity of Mary, also known as the Feast of Mary, is a religious celebration that is observed by Catholics on the first day of January every year.
  • This holiday is aimed at celebrating Mary’s motherhood and the role that she played in the life of Jesus Christ. 
  • The solemnity of Mary is very important to Catholics since they have great adoration for Mary. And that is why the church considers the Feast of Mary a holy day of obligation, meaning the adherents are required to attend mass.
  • Catholics consider Mary to be immensely blessed (Luke 1:48) “For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed”

“For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed”

2. The Feast of the Epiphany

  • Celebrated in January, the Feast of the Epiphany commemorates the visit of the three wise men that went to see Jesus Christ when he was still a newborn in Bethlehem.
  • This holy day marks the last days of the Christmastide season and is honored by Catholics from different parts of the world

3. Ash Wednesday

  • Ash Wednesday is celebrated just a few weeks before Easter.
  • During the celebration, Catholics recognize Christ’s 40-day and night fasting when he was in the wilderness.
  • This holiday is associated with prayer, fasting, and sacrifice and is celebrated by most denominations under the Christian religion.

4. Palm Sunday

  • According to Catholicism beliefs, Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
  • As the name suggests, this holiday is celebrated on Sundays, and members of the Catholic Church can attend mass to honor the beginning of Christ’s final week with his apostles.
  • Catholics also carry palm branches as a re-enactment to show how the crowd welcomed Jesus Christ as he rode the mule into Jerusalem.

5. Corpus Christi

  • The term ‘Corpus Christi’ is a Latin phrase used to refer to the body of Jesus Christ.
  • During this festival day, Catholics honor Christ’s body through the Eucharist.
  • Depending on the calendar, Corpus Christi can be celebrated in mid-June or late May.

6. Easter

  • Easter is not only celebrated by Catholics but also other Christian denominations.
  • According to Christian doctrine, Easter marks the day that Jesus Christ overcame death through his resurrection. As such, it has great religious significance to Catholics and Christianity as a whole.
  • This holiday falls between May and April and is commemorated the world over by Catholics through attendance of mass.

7. Saint Francis of Assisi

  • Saint Francis is one of the most renowned saints in the Catholic Church. Catholics believe that he lived a life that is full of devotion to God and the church.
  • In addition to living an interesting life, Saint Francis was a teacher and philosopher. The day of Saint Francis of Assisi is commemorated on the 4th of October.

8. The Feast of the Assumption

  • According to Catholicism beliefs, Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, ascended into heaven both body and soul.
  • Catholics celebrate this day to honor Mary and the events that led to her ascension.

9. Maundy Thursday

  • Maundy Thursday, or Holy Thursday, is celebrated to commemorate the last supper. Catholics honor this day by attending mass and engaging in prayer.
  • Additionally, Catholics celebrate this day to honor Christ’s act of humility when he washed his disciples’ feet before the last supper. This holy day is celebrated a few days before Easter.

10. All Saints’ Day

  • In Catholicism, All Saints’ Day commemorates the saints and the work that they did in helping Christ in his ministry.
  • Catholic adherents from different cultures have different ways of honoring this day.

11. Christmas Day

  • Celebrated on 25 December of each year, Christmas is one of the highly honored holy days in Catholicism.
  • According to Catholics, this day marks the birth of Jesus Christ and is mainly celebrated by people in the western part of the world.
  • On this day, Catholics attend mass and can also receive the Holy Communion.

Note: These are just but some of the holidays and festivals celebrated by Catholics. There are other days on the catholic calendar that adherents consider important.

Why are there are so many catholicism holidays?

There are several reasons why Catholics have so many religious holidays. As an institution, the Catholic Church is the oldest religious organization in the western part of the world. 

In fact, the church has a history that is more than 2000 years old. And this has given it enough time to grow in all aspects. 

Additionally, Catholics have a stable institutional structure that is based on faith and Bible teachings. Those leading the church have an in-depth understanding of biblical accounts, especially those that cover the life of Jesus Christ and his disciples.

By basing their teachings on these accounts, the church has been able to come up with holidays that honor the lives of those who played crucial roles in the establishment of the early church.

Also, most of the holidays set Catholics apart from other denominations that are under Christianity. Besides, some of the holidays are celebrated by other Christian groups, but the difference comes in the way the day is honored and the religious activities that the members engage in.

Below are some of the reasons why Catholics celebrate holidays;

  • Catholicism Holidays Have Religious Significance

-As mentioned earlier, the holidays celebrated by Catholics not only have religious origins but are also important to the adherents of the church.

-By celebrating these holidays Catholics show their appreciation and honor for Christ and the church. As such, all Catholicism holidays are imbued with some religious significance.

  • Strengthen Faith

-Since most of the holidays remind Catholics about Jesus Christ, Mary, and the Saints, the adherents can cultivate faith through their works and teachings.

-In addition to this, the celebration of holidays allows members to show their commitment to the church and the structure that has been put in place by the church leaders.

Final Verdict

Each Catholicism holiday has some religious significance to the believers. Additionally, most of these holidays have been around for centuries, so all members of the church understand their meanings and importance. And that is exactly why the adherents are committed to the church and what it stands for. 

As you may have noticed, each of the holidays is celebrated differently. While some require the adherents to attend mass, most holidays in Catholicism can be celebrated individually by members of the church.

When celebrating religious holidays, Catholics also familiarize themselves with crucial doctrinal teachings that form the basic foundation of their beliefs. That way, the doctrinal teachings of the Catholic Church can be passed from one generation to the next.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Holy days and holidays in Catholicism?

The former is marked by religious obligations, while the latter is not.

How many holy days of Obligation do Catholics have?

According to Catholics, there are only 10 days of holy obligation. Most of the holidays on the catholic calendar are festivals.

What are the Catholic holy days in 2021?

You can get all the information that you need from the official Roman calendar.

A Guide to Catholic Holidays and Festivals <— New article here.

Catholicism vs. Protestantism

History, Similarities, Differences, & FAQs

Moreover, Christianity is one of the most diverse religions in the world. Additionally, Christianity is known the world over as the largest religion with a followership of up to 2.4 billion people. 

However, the religion is split into different denominations like Catholicism, Protestantism, Anglican, Pentecostal, Seventh-Day Adventist, and many more.

As such, people who are not familiar with the beliefs of certain denominations may have a hard time understanding the doctrinal teachings of Christianity.

This is one of the reasons why the topic of Catholicism vs. Protestantism was coined. In as much as both groups believe in the same God and identify as Christians, they have had several differences, especially in the spiritual and political levels.

That being said, the fact that a group of believers categorizes themselves as Christians does not mean they share the same beliefs in all aspects of worship. This has caused many problems among Christians both in the past and present.

Most conflicts among Christians usually occur when a particular denomination feels that their theological doctrine is the only divine truth.

Christians who view their teachings as the divine truth believe that anybody who is not part of it is in the wrong and will not receive God’s grace and mercy on Judgment Day.

In some cases, however, conflicts may come about as a result of political, social, and cultural differences between two or more Christian denominations. 

When it comes to Catholicism and Protestantism, the followers of the latter felt that some Catholicism ideas were not right, and this caused a split in the early Christian church.

The History Of Catholicism And Protestantism 

Christian ChurchTo get a better understanding of how the Catholic-Protestant conflict came to be, let us look at a brief history of the early Christian Church.[/caption]To get a better understanding of how the Catholic-Protestant conflict came to be, let us look at a brief history of the early Christian Church.

As a religion, Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ in the 1st century. Through his teachings and divine works, Jesus was able to gain large followership by teaching people about God’s Kingdom and its significance to humans.

However, the first Christian church was formed later on after Jesus chose his Apostles to help him in spreading the gospel.

The Apostles promoted the teachings of Jesus Christ even after his death, and this played a crucial role in the success of Christianity, especially in the Roman Empire.

In 313, Constantine the Great, also known as Emperor Constantine I, legalized Christianity and advocated for various Christian teachings throughout the Roman Empire. This led to the birth of Catholicism as the true Roman religion.

With time, the denomination spread to neighboring regions, the West, and even countries like Germany through missionary activities that were supported by the Roman Catholic Church.

Nonetheless, not all people accepted the teachings of the Catholic church with open arms due to the underlying social, religious, ethnic, and colonial differences. This is what led to the formation of Protestantism.

Catholicism vs. Protestantism: The Reformation

Protestantism ChurchAs stated earlier, there was a split in the early Christian church because some people did not support the ideas promoted by the Roman Catholic Church.

This led to a religious revolution famously known as the Reformation or Protestant Reformation.

The Reformation was championed by a German monk called Martin Luther in the 16th century, and it is believed that he got help from fellow scholars like John Calvin.

Martin Luther was against several teachings provided by the Roman Catholic Church. As a result, he came up with a list of propositions and questions that he thought were worthy of debate.

Luther’s document of disputation against the beliefs and teachings of Catholicism is known as The Ninety-Five Theses. This document did not only question Catholicism practices but also criticized the fundamental doctrinal ideas in the Roman Catholic Church.

One of the main ideas that Luther penned in his list is that salvation can only be achieved through faith and not by one’s deeds. As such, he postulated that followers of the Roman Catholic Church could not buy their salvation from the church.

Another key issue that was brought out in The 95 Theses is the idea that the pope only had the power to forgive sins committed against the Roman Catholic Church but not against God.

Martin Luther also argued that the Roman Catholic Church was exploiting the poor in society. According to Luther, the pope was to provide the money needed to build basilicas and not the poor.

The spread of these ideas throughout Europe sparked a revolution that led to the formation of the modern-day Protestant Church.

Besides, Protestantism derives its name from the word ‘protest’, thus suggesting their protest against the teachings of Catholicism.

That being said, a group of people who supported Martin Luther’s religious arguments broke all ties with the Roman Catholic Church and focused on promoting Protestantism ideas.

According to recent statistical reports, Protestantism has a followership of between 900 million and 1 billion. 

On the other hand, Catholicism has up to 1.3 billion followers. These numbers can give you a rough idea as to which of the two denominations was founded first.

Similarities Between Catholicism And Protestantism

Since both denominations fall under Christianity, they share several similarities when it comes to their beliefs and religious practices.

As a matter of fact, the fundamental beliefs of Protestantism and Catholicism are somewhat based on the same doctrinal principles.

The difference mainly comes in the way they conduct themselves and the ideas that they hold about certain biblical teachings.

Here are some of the similarities between Catholicism and Protestantism;

  • Belief In God as The Creator

-Both Catholics and Protestants believe that there is only one God and that he created the world and everything in the universe.

  • Followers of Jesus Christ

-Catholicism and Protestantism teachings recognize Jesus Christ as God’s son who was sent to die for our sins.

-According to Catholics and Protestants, all humans are born with original sin because Adam and Eve disobeyed God. However, when Jesus died, he made it possible for humans to restore the lost relationship with God through the forgiveness of sins.

-Both denominations encourage their followers to imitate Christ in all that they do regardless of whether they are in church or not.

  • The View Of The Bible As Gods Word

-The other thing that Catholics and Protestants have in common is their belief in the Bible as God’s divine word.

-Also, the Bible is authoritative and offers spiritual counsel from the creator himself.

  • Belief In The Existence Of Heaven

-Protestants and Catholics believe that when one lives a life that is in accordance with Christ’s teachings, they will go to heaven.

Catholicism vs. Protestantism: Differences

Theological differences between Catholicism and Protestantism have greatly affected how the two denominations relate to each other.

Most of the differences are those that were championed by Martin Luther in his document— The 95 Theses.

1. Understanding Religious Rituals 

  • Catholicism has up to seven sacraments that adherents can partake in. These include baptism, the Eucharist, ordination, confirmation, last rites, confession, and marriage.
  • Protestantism, on the other hand, teaches that the Eucharist and baptism are the only sacraments prescribed in the Bible.

2. Existence of Purgatory

  • According to the teachings of the catholic church, believers who die in God’s grace go to purgatory for purification.
  • Protestants reject this teaching since they don’t believe in the existence of purgatory as an after-life experience.

3. Celibacy

  • Celibacy is compulsory for all catholic priests since it symbolizes that they are fully committed to serving the church and Jesus Christ.
  • However, Protestantism is not guided by this obligation as it is one of the issues that Martin Luther was against.

4. Marian Dogmas

  • The teachings of Catholicism revere Mary, the mother of Christ, as the Queen of Heaven, and the mother of the Church.
  • Protestants, however, only view Mary as the mother of Jesus Christ and reject other teachings provided by the catholic church.

5. Papal Primacy

  • Protestantism does not in any way support papal primacy since protestants claim that the dogma goes against Bible teachings.
  • Catholics believe in the infallibility of the pope and also consider the pope as the direct successor of St. Peter.

Note: Catholicism and Protestantism have other similarities and differences. However, the ones listed above are some of the commonly used points when comparing the two denominations. 

Final Verdict

Despite belonging to the same religion, Catholicism and Protestantism have distinguishing beliefs and practices that separate them from each other, thereby bringing about the topic of Catholicism vs. Protestantism. Nonetheless, they share fundamental doctrinal teachings that were passed down from the early Christian church.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Did Protestants Split From Catholic Church?

The exodus of protestants from the catholic church was sparked by the Reformation, which was advocated for by Martin Luther in 1517.

Can Protestant priests and Catholic priests marry?

Protestant priests are allowed to marry but Catholic priests are obligated to practice celibacy.

Is Catholicism more popular than Protestantism?

As of now, Catholicism has approximately 1.3 billion followers, while Protestantism has between 900 million to 1 billion members from different parts of the world.

Catholicism Religion

Doctrines, History, Practices, & FAQs


The Catholic Church is estimated to have over 1.2 billion adherents who come from different parts of the globe. 

As a religious institution, the Roman Catholic Church focuses on providing its followers with divine truth about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Apostles.

Besides, the history of the Catholicism religion can be traced up to 2000 years back, making it one of the most influential religions in the world.

The Catholic Church has its headquarters based in Vatican City and is headed by the Pope who directs the faithful followers, and the church as a whole.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio, famously known as Francis, is the current Pope and was elected in 2013 as the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church.

Roman Catholicism is known for its sophisticated theological teachings and elaborates institutional structure. As such, most of the teachings may require philosophical understanding.

Members of the church are encouraged to imitate Jesus Christ as he is considered God incarnate. Moreover, catholicity is based on the teachings of Jesus and his divine works during his time on earth. 

Additionally, the adherents of the Catholic Church believe that Jesus gave his apostles spiritual authority to govern and lead the church according to his teachings. 

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Church is the one holy and universal religion in the world. In fact, the word Catholic in a literal sense means universal or all-embracing.

History of Catholicism Religion

historia del catolicismo

As a denomination that has been around for centuries, several things can be covered when it comes to the history of the Roman Catholic Church.

Followers of the Catholic Church purport that it was founded by Jesus Christ through his divine teachings. 

The accounts of these teachings are recorded in the New Testament and are mostly explained in the book of Acts, which covers the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire.

Also, the book of Acts provides details on how Apostle Paul spread Christianity during the early stages of the religion’s growth.

According to traditional doctrine, the Roman Catholic Church came about as a continuation of Christ’s early church that he formed with his Apostles in the 1st century CE.

Like most Christian denominations, the Catholic Church faced a lot of challenges as it spread through the Roman Empire and other parts of the world.

Those who practiced pagan worship in the region were against Catholicism religion and Christianity as a whole, and this made it difficult for most people to join the religion.

However, during the Constantinian dynasty, Emperor Constantine embraced Christianity in 313, allowing denominations like Catholicism to expand throughout the empire.

As the Roman Catholic Church spread, it had a dominant influence in the region and other parts of the world. This made it easy for people to receive the message that the church was preaching.

The Catholic Church became even more influential in Europe after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, which occurred from 395 AD to 476 AD. Consequently, the pope gained supremacy and influenced the spiritual and political aspects of early societies. 

The growth of papal supremacy created a better relationship between the Catholic Church and the people, thereby causing an astronomic spread of the Catholicism religion.

Currently, the Roman Catholic Church has the largest followership in the world, all thanks to the efforts of early Christians.

The Catholic Church is not only dominant in Europe but is also widely spread in South and North America, not to forget Africa and other parts of the world.


Doctrines of Catholicism Religion


1. The Bible as God’s Word

  • The doctrines that govern Catholicism are scripture-inspired, meaning the adherents believe and do everything in accordance with Bible accounts.
  • Moreover, Catholics consider the Bible to be error-free and is God’s divine word. And like most Christian denominations, Catholics believe that they can understand God’s true nature by reading the scriptures.
  • That being said, the Bible is an important element of worship in Catholicism. And that is exactly why it is used as a reference point during mass or when addressing other spiritual matters.

2. The Holy Trinity

  • The Catholicism religion is one of the denominations that championed the existence of the Holy Trinity
  • According to the Trinity, there is one God, but He is consubstantial and coeternal in the form of three persons as God the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  • The Trinity is a fundamental doctrine among Catholics as it gives them a better understanding of God’s nature. In addition to this, it provides the adherents with an idea of how they are supposed to view God and all His marvelous creations.

3. Papal Supremacy

  • Adherents of the Roman Catholic Church view the Pope as the vicar of Jesus Christ. As such, the Pope is considered infallible when covering what is written in the scriptures or when talking about church doctrines.
  • The pope is considered one of the most powerful leaders due to his vast influence on Catholics and those who are not part of the denomination.
  • Besides, the pope is at the top of the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, so anything that he says goes, provided that it is supported by the scriptures.

4. The Assumption of Mary

  • This is yet another fundamental doctrine that governs the beliefs of those in the Catholicism religion.
  • Being the mother of Christ, Mary is a central figure not only to Catholics but to Christianity as a whole. 
  • Catholics believe that after her death, Mary was taken into heaven both in the spiritual and physical form. However, Catholics don’t pray to Mary but simply praise and honor her for giving birth to Christ.

5. The Transubstantiation

  • The Catholicism religion teaches that the wine and bread served during the Holy Communion or Eucharist represent the blood and body of Christ Jesus.
  • When celebrating Christ’s last supper with his Apostles, Catholic priests read the words of Jesus Christ from the Bible to the congregants to honor his last moments on earth.

These are just but some of the doctrines that govern the Roman Catholic Church. They are widely covered in the Nicene Creed, a Christian statement of conviction that is spiritually accepted by mainstream Christianity.

Catholicism Religion: Sacraments 

In the Roman Catholic Church, a sacrament is any ritual or religious practice that brings divine grace to the participants.

The Catholicism religion has up to seven sacraments, which are considered holy before God and the church. Catholics believe that all sacraments were instituted by Jesus Christ through his teachings.

  • Baptism

-According to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, baptism is a symbol of admission of faith.

-It is usually the first sacrament that is administered to Catholics and is often done just a few days after one is born. Nonetheless, adults can also get baptized, but this only applies to individuals who have never been baptized.

-Baptism symbolizes rebirth and also brings divine grace to those who are baptized.

  • The Sacrament of Confession

-Commonly known as reconciliation or penance, allows Catholics to confess their sins as many times as they want to their priests as a way of renewal.

-When one is truly remorseful of their sins, the priest offers absolution by praying to God on one’s behalf. 

-During penance, you can confess sins that you have committed and those that you have thought of committing.

  • The Eucharist

-The Catholicism religion celebrates the Eucharist to honor Christ’s last supper.

-During this ceremony, the priest serves bread and wine, which symbolize the body and blood of Jesus Christ, a belief also known as transubstantiation.

  • Confirmation

-As the name suggests, this sacrament confirms or validates one’s belief in the Catholic religion.

-This sacrament is for those who have recently been baptized in the faith.

  • Anointing of the Sick

-This sacrament is also called Extreme Unction and is offered to individuals who are seriously ill.

-The priest can take confessions during the Extreme Unction, thereby uniting the person with Christ in case they die.

  • Marriage 

-According to Catholics, marriage symbolizes the relationship that Jesus Christ has with the church.

-It is considered a special occasion in which two people unite to form an inseparable union.

  • Holy Orders

-Unlike other sacraments that are available for all members of the Catholic Church, Holy Orders or Ordination is only offered to men who are not married and aspire to be bishops, priests, deacons, etc.

-For one to undergo ordination, they must go through special spiritual training that is overseen by the church.

Final Verdict

The Catholicism religion has taken the spiritual world by storm. With over one billion followers from different corners of the world, it is one of the most influential denominations.

Catholics have different beliefs that govern their spiritual lives. Like all denominations under Christianity, Catholics rely on the Bible and view it as God’s divine word.

The Roman Catholic Church has a strict hierarchy that shows the level of spiritual authority that deacons, priests, bishops, and the pope have on the church.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do Catholics pray to Mary?

It is important to keep in mind that Catholics don’t worship or pray to Mary as a deity. However, she is honored and respected as the mother of Jesus Christ.

Is Catholicism a religion or denomination?

Catholicism is a denomination under the religion of Christianity. 

Why do Catholics confess their sins to priests?

Through the sacrament of penance or confession, Catholics can regain favor before God after admitting their sins to priests. The belief is that the priest intercedes for the sinner before God.